Thursday, April 15, 2010

Life is Precious

My heart is very heavy tonight. My Aunt Karen, my mom's sister, died suddenly last night. It's one of those things that you truly cannot believe is real. We spent a few hours with her husband and daughters and their families tonight, and I just feel so awful for them. She was a wonderful wife, mom, and grandma. She was such a good person. She spent her last day with her grandchildren, and helping to collect money for a family who has been struggling with cancer. We love Karen so much, and she will be missed greatly. I am so grateful, especially at times like this, to have the gospel in my life and the knowledge of eternal families.

Death really makes you stop and think about your life and your loved ones. It makes you grateful for the little moments that are so simple, yet so powerful. Like last night, I really needed to get the house cleaned up, but James and Isabelle wanted to go on a walk, so we did that instead. I am so glad we did! I'll definitely remember taking that walk with my family more than I would've remembered that my furniture got dusted. Delight in the simple things!

Over the past year I have learned a lot and my testimony has been strengthened greatly. With my brother having gone through so much over the past year, I have learned two very important things that stand out in my mind. The first one is that there are SO many good people in this world. There are definitely more roses than thorns, we just tend to hear more about the thorns. I can't believe how caring and generous people are, and it's made me more compassionate for others. The second thing I've learned is just how important it is to stay close to family. I've always been close to my family, but I've didn't know how much I needed them. You just never know when you might lose one of them. I hate to even think about death, but it's weighed on my mind for over a year, since we came so close to losing my brother, and it's obviously been magnified today. Family is the greatest blessing we have.

I am thankful every day to be alive! I'm thankful for my sweet huband and my beautiful girls. I'm thankful my family is healthy. I'm thankful for my fabulous parents, in-laws, siblings, neices and nephews, grandparents, extended family and friends. I'm thankful for the tender moments I get to spend with my girls each day, like in the mornings when they wake up and we all snuggle in Isabelle's bed, or when I overhear Isabelle telling Ruby that she loves her so much , or seeing the excitement on Ruby's face when she sees Isabelle. I'm thankful that I get to kiss my husband each day and talk to my mom five times a day!

My advice to everyone- allow yourselves to endulge in the tender moments that make life special. I need to take my own advice more often! I can't afford not to.

Of course, here are some precious pictures of my greatest blessings...


Mitzi said...

What a sweet post and great reminder, thanks!

amee knudsen said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt. My mom told me yesterday and I was thinking about you and your family yesterday. I know how close you and your family are it is trully nice to know that you will get to be with your aunt Karen again. We will keep your family in our thoughts and prayers. Please tell your mom and family how sorry I am for the passing of your aunt. I agree more family time less cleaning. Take care

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait 'till tomorrow,
for babies grow up,
we've learned to out sorrow...
So quiet down cobwebs,
dust go to sleep...
I'm rocking my baby,
and babies don't keep.