Friday, June 17, 2011

Ruby at 18 Months

My Rubycakes turned a year and a half old on the 7th. My how time flies! Poor baby's been sick all week. It's just been one ear infection after another for her.

Ruby has turned into a little person recently. She's gotten a little feisty attitude! She is still a sweetheart and I have enjoyed the sick days we've spent cuddling. She loves her sissy and wants to do everything she does and is always hugging and kissing her. She loves to be  outside. She takes your hand and says "walk" quite often because she loves to go on walks. She tells us "outside slide," "outside jump," and "outside swing." She loves to push her babies in strollers along the sidewalk. She hates when it's time to come inside.

Ruby loves to read. She'll let me read to her for 45 minutes. She likes to help me clean. She loves to have a wipe in hand and be cleaning something. She loves shoes, but she has the most ticklish feet ever. It is a big deal to trim her toenails because they're so ticklish. We finally got her toenails painted while I distracted her with a book and James painted as fast as he could!

Ruby is a true girl (my girl for sure).  She tries almost every morning to get me to give her Pepsi and chocolate as soon as she wakes up! She likes her sweets but is a very picky eater when it comes to real food. She does love Italian though, just like her dad and sis. 

She is quite a talker. She'll say anything you ask her to. Isabelle has her repeat stuff constantly. She sings "hush a bye, don't you cry" over and over and it is SO cute. She has really developed a liking already for the word no, go figure. She puts lots of emphasis on the "N." It's so fun to hear her say new words each day. It's been so cute this week because she's had almost no voice, so when she talks it's so squeaky.

Ruby brings so much happiness to our home. She is such a fun little lady and we love her so much! I hate to see her getting so big, but I do love watching her learn and grow!